Argentinian ADNI follows a cohort of 56 patients since 2012 including CN, EMCI, LMCI and AD with a wide perspective including Genetic, Clinical, Neuropsychological, Socio-demographic and Biomarker information following worldwide ADNI standards. This work contributes with information of Latin-American population not yet thoroughly analyzed to the ADNI data bases.
About This Data Partner
FLENI is an important health institute from Argentina specialized in neurological diseases. It exhibit the only Argentinian representative of the observational ADNI study. Our department, memory and aging center, is dedicated to the diagnostic, following and treatment of cognitive patient. It is multidisciplinary service conformed by neurologist, psychiatrics, geriatricians, neuropsychologist, psychologist, speech therapists, educational psychologist, music therapists and occupational therapists specialized in conduct and cognition under the direction of Ricardo F. Allegri Ph.D. Also it is the only center in Argentina that has cyclotron and PET scan for the development of biomarkers as well as a brain bank and genetic and molecular laboratory for the study of neurodegenerative diseases.
Additional Information
Principal Investigator(s)
Ricardo Allegri Ph.D
Contact Phone
Data Available
Neuropsychological Scales, Clinical information, Demographic information, Genetic data, Biomarkers: Lumbar Puntion (Aß42, Tau-T and Tau-P) and CT (PET-PIB and PET-FDG) of Baseline and annual visits. For further analysis we will add detailed neuropsychological scales, MRI, and other attributes and also 30 month and 60 month visits.