The database of patients consulting the memory center of the University hospital HUG in Geneva Switzerland
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The Epinettes database is the collection of clinical and neuropsychological data, acquired during routine care of patients consulting at the Memory Centre of the University Hospital of Geneva in Switzerland. The database comprises different diagnosis groups, hence allows observational study. It is a transversal data set, as it aims to compare the groups, as well as a longitudinal, as it aims to analyse the progression of each type of dementia.
About This Data Partner
The Epinettes database contains demography, cognitive history, history of familial dementia, MRI images, derived imaging biomarkers, PET images, blood tests and lumbar puncture results, neuropsychological evaluation and medical history.
Additional Information
Data Available
Age, gender, laterality, number of years of education, mother tongue, main occupation, marital status, history of familial dementia, cognitive history, APOE genotype, tau, phosphor-tau, Ab42, CDR, MMSE, ten points clock results, three-objects-three places results, GERIA-12 results, selective reminding test results, California verbal learning test results, logical memory I (MEM-IV) results, visual reproduction (MEM-IV) results, visual association results, door test results, digital span (WAIS-IV) results, digit span (WAIS-III) results, verbal fluency results, trail making test results, color trails test results, Victoria stroop test results, GREFEX stroop test results, digit symbol results, language test results, visual-constructional praxis results, gestural praxis results, HAD results, medication, T1-3D, T2 FLAIR, DTI, ASL, SWI, rs-fMRI, PET-FDG, PET-Amyloid, PET-TAU and Datscan.
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