The HABS: HD project seeks to understand the biological, social and environmental factors that impact brain aging among diverse communities. HABS: HD has enrolled over 1,000 Hispanic Americans, over 1,000 non-Hispanic Whites and nearly 1,000 African Americans ages 30 and over. HABS: HD participants are seen at 24 to 30 month intervals & all research visits occur at the UNTHSC Institute for Translational Research in Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
About This Data Partner
The UNTHSC ITR is dedicated to understanding and eliminating health disparities in Alzheimer's disease among African Americans and Hispanic Americans. The Health and Aging Brain Study - Health Disparities is the most comprehensive study of Alzheimer's among diverse communities ever conducted. Our team studies the biology of disease within the context of social, environmental and behavioral factors because "who you are", "where you're from" and "your environment" are important to how you age. The HABS-HD project is highly significant as it simultaneously examines multiple pathways for MCI and AD risk among African Americans, Hispanic Americans and non-Hispanic whites. Therefore, it will enable the identification of racial/ethnic-specific risk profiles for cognitive loss among diverse populations.
Additional Information
Principal Investigator(s)
Sid O'Bryant-Leigh Johnson-Robert Rissman-Arthur Toga-Kristine Yaffe
Data Available
The HABS: HD project collects the following data on all of our research participants: Interview including demographic and medical history information, functional exam (e.g. walk test), blood draw and storage of samples (e.g. serum, plasma and DNA), testing of memory and thinking, MRI of the brain, clinical laboratory blood work, PET scan for amyloid plaques, assays for plasma-based biomarkers, PET scan for tau tangles, and assays for exosome-based biomarkers